Judy Romanced Enhanced
Adds a few different states for Judy to be in when you visit her apartment once romanced; no longer stuck to her window. Includes the hug mod! Now with the option to kiss her.
After romancing Judy you gain access to her apartment. But… she’s always at her window… yawn.
This mod adds some variety to that!
She can still be at the window at times, but now she also:
– Hangs out in her kitchen
– Eats in her kitchen
– Showers
– Sleeps in her bed at night (without having to wait for the player to use the bed)
Unzip the main zip into “Cyberpunk 2077” folder so that the .archive ends up in the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder
Unzip in REDmod zip the “Cyberpunk 2077” folder so that the JudyRomancedEnhanced folder ends up in the “Cyberpunk 2077\mods” folder
Simply delete the JudyRomancedEnhanced.archive file from the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder.
Simply delete the JudyRomancedEnhanced folder from the “Cyberpunk 2077\mods” folder.
How to “use” the mod?
After romancing Judy simply turn up to her apartment at different times of day for some variety.
I do NOT know how the game will react if you saved inside her apartment before installing this mod.
I recommend saving somewhere else first if you have to.
Contains nudity as she uses the shower…
Only the [Hug] and [Kiss] prompts are new in this mod, but it should now appear translated for all of Cyberpunk’s supported languages
What times does she do the various things?
00:00 – 06:00 – Sleeping
06:00 – 08:00 – Shower
08:00 – 10:00 – Window
10:00 – 12:00 – Eat
12:00 – 14:00 – Kitchen
14:00 – 17:00 – Window
17:00 – 19:00 – Eat
19:00 – 21:00 – Kitchen
21:00 – 23:00 – Shower
23:00 – 00:00 – Window (as of 1.8.0 to allow for night time views of the city with Judy)
What about the hugs mod?
Yes, this mod is NOT compatible with the Hugs – Judy mod.
So I added all the features of the Hugs mod to this one!
With some improvements:
This mod contains the data for both Male and Female V hugs, so no more multiple archive files!
What if i want/need to talk to Judy and she’s alseep?
Simply use the bed too, select a lenght of time to sleep, when you wake up she will be doing whatever she is ‘scheduled’ to be doing.
Will Judy ever get out of the shower?
Judy will stay in the shower until you have gone into the bathroom and then left to go back to the living area/office
Compatibility risks:
Super low, I seem to be the only one modding these files currently.
The mod edits the following files:
– base\localization\…\subtitles\quest\judy\judy_default.json [All languages]
– base\quest\secondary_characters\default_dialogues\judy_default.scene
– dlc\dlc6_apart\scenes\dlc6_apart_judy_apartment_interactions.scene
Save/load within her apartment itself has some small visual issues:
You may see her default to her fully clothed appearance when she shouldnt be
Animation/locomotion issues:
Judy takes a (very slightly) odd path to her kitchen, not sure I can do anything about nav data
Some small popping can occur thanks to new animation lengths being slightly wrong, trying to make them all correct introduced way worse bugs!
If anyone finds any bugs beyond what’s listed in in Issues/Limitations, please let me know!
I’ve tested almost eveything, but there might be one or 2 conversation branches i didnt have save data for.
Does this work with the latest version of Cyberpunk as of Patch2.2?