Keanu Reeves (CyberCAT Preset)
A character preset I made of a younger looking Keanu Reeves, with an optional Johnny Silverhand preset.
Save Editor (Project CyberCAT-SimpleGUI) – Load Your Save > Appearance Tab > Load Preset, choose “Keanu.preset” > Save Changes.
Dunmr’s NPC Complexions for V (Texture) – Scroll down to the optional files and download “Dunmr NPC Complexions for BroV – Individual Files”, unzip “basegame_dunmr_malecomplexion_johnny.archive” into your patch folder located in Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch.
(Optional) Advanced V Customisation (Hair) – Download “Pack 1”, unzip “basegame_mod_almico_Male_V_Hair_27.archive” to your patch folder.
(Optional) Johnny Silverhand’s Arm and Tattoos – Unzip “basegame_JohnnySilverhandArmPlusTattoos.archive” to your patch folder.
Notes: Currently the hair for Johnny isn’t working atm, so you’ll have to make do with the optional file above, or you can use Arasaka Appearance Updater to change the hair to whatever you’d like.